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The Sacred Union ~ The Twin Flame Alchemical Ascension.

Writer's picture: David and ChelleaDavid and Chellea

 Hieros Gamos ~ (sacred marriage of the god and goddess). The uniting of such twin flames is very powerful because of the multiple levels of connections between the two. It results in a telepathic and eminent feeling of energies of each other, that are felt even when apart. It becomes the “magnum opus” (the work) and if there is enough understanding from both parties and they successfully unite in this lifetime it becomes a higher mission that they will accomplish together.

In ancient times, it was believed that when one would see a shooting star in the heavens, it was a sign that a Sacred Union had taken place.

The Twin Souls are two complementary parts of a single Soul. They may be traveling on different conscious paths, but both are still subject to the alchemical lessons of the Sacred Union, in metaphysical terms, to the immutable spiritual law that procures the reunion of the parts.

Everyone alive has a complementary part of themselves. In some cases, these soul parts may not be incarnated together on the Earth at the same time. There is however more Twin Flame souls incarnated together at this moment in time, than any other time in our known history.

If we consider the Sacred connection not only as a rite of sacramental passage in the individual lives of people, but as union, designed by a universal law, or natural alchemical principal, between two parts. This is where both parts can manifest “perfection” in their emotions, actions, and thoughts, with perfect alignment with Divine will, and the laws of nature.

The Twin Flame contract forms different types of relationships of the souls, by their level of consciousness, and Karmic lessons that must be learned. These lessons must be learned for the Sacred Union to take place.

What does this all mean?

To create perfection of our Emotions, our actions, and our personal thoughts, is to control them. We Must remove all negative from our beings. For Example: If you are with your Twin, and something makes you Angry, this is an emotional Imbalance of the Union. To Clear this Imbalance one must clear the Emotion of Anger. To do this One must learn to have forgiveness. Changing that Emotion of Anger to the Feeling of compassion and Love. This is the purification of that Emotion. This is also referred to as Transmuting that emotion, or transforming it into a higher vibration.

In ancient cultures, the marriage could not be consummated physically before the two inner selves had reached a sublime harmonic balance between themselves (Purification).

Throughout our history, the alchemical aspects of the Sacred Union, have been progressively forgotten or ignored. The mentality of a man dominated Society prevailed and created unnatural marriages where the man was above the woman, rather than being equal in the union.

The true Sacred Union of the soul is impossible without the harmonization of the different parts of the selves.

This is the Balance of the Masculine and Feminine within, which is how we purify or create Alchemical Balance outwardly in the Twin Flame relationship. “It starts within you”.

Once the soul is ready to be united into one, the Twins will naturally come together. The Universe sees, that the Twins are ready, and makes the necessary changes for the Union to take place.

We must do the work within ourselves, to create the physical Twin Flame Sacred Union.

We Love you and we are honored to be the Light.

David and Chellea


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