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The Ancient Mayan Twin Flames (The Mother-Fathers)

Writer's picture: David and ChelleaDavid and Chellea

One of the most Ancient accounts of the Twin Flame is in the Mayan Creation Stories.

This origin story was told by the Mayans, who lived in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico from around 250 CE to 900 CE. It’s a long, complex story called the Popol Vuh (literally the “council book”), first translated into alphabetic text from Mayan hieroglyphics in the 16th century.

"The gods greatly desired to create a successful race of human beings, who could worship them properly. Once this respectable line of beings was created then the sun, moon, and stars would become visible. To ensure that this third and final experiment was successful, the gods sent four animals (a fox, a parrot, a coyote, and a crow) to find a location for the creation. Once these animals found a suitable location with a bounty of food, they brought back maize to an old woman to grind up into a grainy paste. Hurricane and Plumed Serpent then molded the first human beings out of this paste. In Mayan diet, maize served as a staple food. The fact that they are created from this crop further emphasizes the importance placed on agriculture in their society.

Four humans were initially created. They were known as “mother-fathers” as they represented both the female and male components of the race. These “mother-fathers” were an instant success as they could express themselves and comprehend the world around them. They explored their world and the skies thoroughly as they possessed great vision that allowed them to see through objects (X-Ray vision if you will). At first the gods were pleased with their creation and its thirst for knowledge, but soon the humans’ knowledge rivaled that of the gods. If this were to continue then the humans would not worship and respect the gods as they should, so Hurricane and Plumed Serpent clouded the humans’ vision.

The people began to multiply and fill the Earth; however, the sun still had not risen, so the people wandered the Earth ceaselessly in darkness. Tired of waiting, the people began migration to the east to search for the sun, but soon began to suffer from starvation. The “mother-fathers” then climbed a mountain and prayed to the gods. The gods were moved by the peoples’ prayers and sufferings. The sun began to rise and the people fell to their knees in thanks. In the beginning, the sun’s rays were intolerable as they were so hot; however, over time the people were able to enjoy the sun’s warmth and light. They were allowed to farm the land as they wished, growing maize and other necessary crops."


The First set of Twins created, within the second realm, were both male. The Second set was created within the Third realm and were, in most translations were male, but with masculine and feminine qualities.

This depicts a Masculine and Feminine Aspect of the second set of Twins. The Total separation of masculine and feminine came with the creation of Humans.

This polarity of man and woman, become the origins of the Human race.

"In the third world, the second pair of hero twins, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, avenged the first set by defeating the Lords of the Underworld. The names of the second set of Hero Twins have been translated as X-Balan-Que “Jaguar-Sun”, or “Jaguar-Deer”, and Hunah-Pu, as “One Blowgunner”.

Hunahpu (One Blowgunner) and Xbalanque (Jaguar Sun)

In prehistoric sculptures and paintings, the Hero Twins aren't identical twins. The older twin is depicted as larger than his younger twin, right-handed and masculine, with black spots on his right cheek, shoulder and arms. The sun and pronghorns symbolize Hunahpuh, although often both twins wear deer symbols. The younger twin is smaller, left-handed and often with a feminine guise, with the moon and rabbits his symbols. Xbalanque has patches of jaguar skin on his face and body.


The Origin of the Twin Flame often complement the twin cycle, as the birth and existence of opposing forces. The dualistic pairings include life and death, sky and earth, day and night, sun and moon, and male and female, among multiple others.

The duality that occurs between male and female is often seen in twin myths, as a male and female twin are sometimes born and represent the two sides of a single individual. Miller and Taube state that since duality is "one of the basic structural principles of Mesoamerican religious thought. .. there is a recognition of the essential interdependence of opposites" by Mesoamericans (Miller and Taube 1993: 81) (Source)


This ancient Story of the creation of Humans, was also told to us By Plato in his Symposium

“Aristophanes’ speech focuses on Human Nature and a strange account of how Love plays out among humans. First he explains that long ago there were three types of human beings: male, female, and androgynous, a form made up of male and female elements. They were all round shaped, with four hands and four legs each, two faces, and two sets of sexual organs, much like two human beings stuck together. Having so many limbs, they were very fast and strong. The male kind came from the sun, the female was an offspring of the earth, and the androgynous of the moon.

Being so strong they tried to ascend to heaven to attack the gods. Zeus and the other gods decided against wiping them out, as that would rid them of receiving worship and sacrifices. Zeus proposed cutting them in half, reducing their strength and increasing their number, resulting in more worship and sacrifice, all of which benefited the gods. He did so and Apollo turned each person’s head toward the wound as a reminder of the cut, which was healed by drawing skin at what is now called the stomach, fastened at the navel.

Now each half longed for its other half, and they would hug, wanting to grow together. This caused some to die from hunger and idleness as they would do nothing else. As they were dying out, Zeus took pity and moved their genitals to the front. Before, these were outside, casting seeds in the ground, rather than in each other, to make children.


This video talks about the masculine and feminine Twins of the Mayan and Aztec Cultures.


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