Many People Question, who is their Twin Flame? The truth is, if you are spiritually aware, you have probably already met this person sometime or another in your lifetime. Our Twins are often placed within our lives over and over, as a reminder for our soul to awaken. So, your twin in most cases is someone you already know.
We do not pick the person who is our Twin soul.
The Over-Soul or Higher-self picks the individuals before incarnating on the earth. So, in many cases, jumping from one relationship to another just causes confusion, and these individuals will never find their real Twin Flame.
Many people think that the Twin Flame is a romantic relationship, This is also a misconception. In a lot of situations, the twins will NEVER be together as a couple. This is because a Twin Flame can be an actual relative such as a brother and sister, or cousins. It can even be a person of the same sex, and you can be a heterosexual person or vise-versa. The Twin Flame phenomenon has no rules. This is why many feel confused and unsure of who their twin soul truly is. In most cases, there are great trials to overcome to even be with your twin. These could be things such as age, relationship, gender, race, religion, distance, compatibility, or any other obstacles to climb.

The Ancient Twin Flames “Isis and Osiris”, were Brother and Sister.
The Love story of Isis and Osiris:
From Geb, the sky god, and Nut, the earth goddess came four children: Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Osiris was the oldest and so became king of Egypt, and he married his sister Isis. Marriage between brother and sister was acceptable in ancient times to keep their bloodlines pure.
Isis was the most powerful goddess of ancient Egypt.
When Osiris became her husband, he became the first King of Earth. Set, their brother, was jealous and killed Osiris, sealed up his coffin and threw it in the river Nile. Isis grieved mightily, shredded her robes and chopped off her hair. Then she set out to find the body of her husband so she could bury him with proper honor and respect.
As she searched for her love, she met Queen Astarte in Phoenicia. Making a long story short, Astarte realized that Osiris’s body was hidden in her palace. Isis carried him back to Egypt and hid it in the swamps of the Nile delta while she prepared for his funeral. Her wicked brother, Set, found the coffin, furiously hacked Osiris’s body into 14 pieces, and scattered them in different directions. Searching and searching, Isis recovered thirteen of the pieces. Only his penis was missing, so she made one from gold and wax (some myths say mud or clay). Promptly inventing the rites of embalming, and with her magical powers in full force, Isis brought Osiris back to life and conceived their child Horus. Now that she was no longer grieving, Osiris was free to descend and became the King of the Underworld, ruling over the dead.

The Misinformation that has spread around the Internet, was done for the confusion, to stop our spiritual growth, in this evolution, into the higher consciousness.
We must understand that the Twin Flame is a Spiritual Connection, NOT necessarily a physical one. Most don’t like to hear this truth because they are stuck in the illusion of wanting romance.
If you want romance, find a soul mate instead.
The Twin Flame is a spiritual Journey and very difficult, especially if you try and make it something it is not. The Lessons of the Twin Flame is to learn Unconditional Love. This Love is similar to the love a mother would have for her child, this is a totally different type of love than what you have within a romantic relationship, although you CAN have both.
If you are able to be with your Twin in a physical relationship, you are overcoming the odds and must cherish and nurture this divine connection.

Other misinformation out there is that we “look” like our twin and are the exact same. The truth is, we are opposites, in almost all aspects. The mirroring that the Twins do, is inverted, just like the yin-yang. This is also the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the relationship. This is why the Twins must learn balance.
The whole point of knowing your Twin Flame is to reconnect our soul into One. We are becoming whole again. This Reunion is the Sacred Union. If you are ready for this journey, Source energies will allow for this reunion.
We Love you all, and we are truly honored to be able to share our knowledge and experiences with you.
David and Chellea