The Twin Flame Relationship is your “Spiritual Journey”
David and Chellea
Apr 29, 20193 min read
Many people wish to be with their Twins, but rarely do the Twins ever actually become a couple. The reasoning behind this phenomenon is because the whole Twin Flame relationship is your Spiritual Journey. From the Time you are both born into a physical body, The Journey begins. Our time on this planet is to advance our spiritual Evolution. If you know who your Twin Flame is then you are actively aware of your Spiritual Journey. Whether you are in a physical relationship or not. you are already experiencing the lessons of unconditional Love and Forgiveness.
This Journey can last a lifetime. It is your path to the ascension. It is very important to understand this before ever entering a physical relationship with your Twin. If One or the other of the Twins is not ready for their Spiritual Journey, then the relationship falls apart before it ever really begins. The Twin Flame relationship is the hardest type to experience, because you are learning the lessons it takes to achieve enlightenment.
To be with your twin in the physical you must let go of all the Ego of the self, and focus on becoming One with each other. This is very hard for most. they do not wish to let go of the self at all. They can not let go of the “What about me?” or “You did this to Me” mentality. You must learn that you are NOT just you, you are part of each other. You are half of the same soul.
When you are stuck in the selfish Ego you do not see this connection. Blame is always the downfall of any relationship. We always try and blame the other for whatever reasons. This is where the spirituality of the Relationship must be understood. Love and Forgiveness is the only way to achieve Harmony with your Twin Flame, whether you are in a physical relationship or not. If you or your Twin is Not working on the releasing of the negative Ego mind, and focusing on bettering yourselves spiritually then the physical relationship will not work. This is why this relationship isn’t for everyone. Most can not handle the Lessons of Unconditional Love and forgiveness. This is the Spiritual Path of the Twins.
First you must learn this is not about the “Self”. It’s easy to Love and forgive yourself, but this isn’t about just you. You must learn to Love your Twin, even if you are not together. You must learn true forgiveness, for your twin. Many times our twins can bring up old fears and resentments, we must learn to have forgiveness to release any and all bad karma that has been collected through our trials.
When we choose to release the self we begin seeing our true connection with our Twin. You see that Love is the most powerful force, especially when you are in Union. The power you have while being with your Twin is unmatchable. This is the Universal Energy of Creation.
Love and Forgiveness is Key to the Twin Flame Relationship and is Key to opening the doors to our spiritual Growth.
The Twin Flame Relationship is your “Spiritual Journey” These are the lessons of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness.
We Love you and we are truly honored to share our experiences and knowledge with you.
David and Chellea
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