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The Signs and Synchronicity of the Twin Flame

Writer's picture: David and ChelleaDavid and Chellea

Now more than ever before, the Twin Souls are reuniting. This very special reunion, is covered with signs and synchronicity.

This strange phenomenon is how you “know” who your true twin flame really is, and if you are on the right track in life. The more spiritually aware we become the easier it is to see these amazing signs and synchs.

  Our Higher-selves, and our Angels place these “signs” and "synchronicity", within our life to help us find the true path to our Twins and to our grand awakening.

A sign is something that shows you truth about your experience. A sign can be anything that proves to you that you are on the right path.

Following the Signs

The signs that show up in life can lead us down different paths. A sign may be a person who resembles a person from our past, an animal that shows itself to us during a walk or a quote that you hear over and over in a day.

Synchronicity is when we have more than one sign show up with the same meaning.

Synchronicity helps us know if we are on the right track (or not).


The word Synchronicity

(Comes from the German word Synchronizität). It is a concept, which holds that certain events can be "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no apparent relationship, yet seem to be some how meaningfully related.

You can consider an event synchronistic when an inner experience such as a dream, vision, or other form of deja vu, prepares you for the physical event. These occurrences seem like a coincidence. but, to follow these synchronicities, we must understand that there is no such thing as a coincidence.


The word “coincidence” is actually a very new word created in the 17 century. It’s origin coming from ‘coincide and agree.’ Therefore this Word isn’t even a part of the original English language.


Synchronicity can be people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness, or to place emphasis on something going on in your life. The more 'consciously aware' you become The easier it is to see these amazing events in your life.

 Twin Flames seem to experience these meaningful coincidences, “synchronicity”, much more, than your average person. The reason is, you are farther along on the journey if you know who your Twin is, or are already with your Twin Flame in the Physical. The signs and the synchs, are almost overwhelming, when you step into the actual physical Union of the Twins, and as long as you stay together, it never stops.


 Our Experience with Signs and Synchronicity:

 In 2012 I had a vision that lasted for several months... This vision would come to me every night in my dreams and everyday in my daily activities. Unsure what this vision meant, I began to write it down in book form. It came to me in a very beautiful medieval type of story. I was a 3D graphics artist, so I even created Images for this book. After I had wrote 33 Chapters, something very strange begin to happen. Everything in the Book begin to come true. starting from page one. At first this really frightened me. But as it continued to come true I realized that this was David and I’s Twin Flame journey, laid out like a perfect blue-print. The Visions were showing us everything we needed to stay on our Twin Flame Path. The vision still plays out in our lives, showing us that we are on the divine path.

 The more you become aware of your spiritual self the more you will see the signs needed to follow this Twin Flame journey. Anything can be a sign or a synchronicity. You must open yourself to these signs and understand there is no such thing as a coincidence.

We Love you and we are truly honored to be able to share our knowledge and experiences with you.

David and Chellea.

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