Where did the Twin Flame concept come from... Proof in the Ancient texts... Research and Summary of the Symposium by Plato, The Nag Hammadi Texts, and The Zohar. By David and Chellea (Twin Flames ~ Ancient Secrets)

Symposium by Plato
“Aristophanes’ speech focuses on Human Nature and a strange account of how Love plays out among humans. First he explains that long ago there were three types of human beings: male, female, and androgynous, a form made up of male and female elements. They were all round shaped, with four hands and four legs each, two faces, and two sets of sexual organs, much like two human beings stuck together. Having so many limbs, they were very fast and strong. The male kind came from the sun, the female was an offspring of the earth, and the androgynous of the moon.
Being so strong they tried to ascend to heaven to attack the gods. Zeus and the other gods decided against wiping them out, as that would rid them of receiving worship and sacrifices. Zeus proposed cutting them in half, reducing their strength and increasing their number, resulting in more worship and sacrifice, all of which benefited the gods. He did so and Apollo turned each person’s head toward the wound as a reminder of the cut, which was healed by drawing skin at what is now called the stomach, fastened at the navel.
Now each half longed for its other half, and they would hug, wanting to grow together. This caused some to die from hunger and idleness as they would do nothing else. As they were dying out, Zeus took pity and moved their genitals to the front. Before, these were outside, casting seeds in the ground, rather than in each other, to make children.
Love, therefore, is the “pursuit of wholeness.” When one finds their other half, they are stuck together and don’t want to ever be separated. This goes beyond sex, but rather deals with what the soul of a lover longs. He exemplifies this by saying that if Hephaestus, the craftsman god, were to ask to people what they want from each other, those who found their other half would say to become one and never separate, so as to even suffer a single death. In this way they could have accomplished their pursuit for completeness.
Danger still exists that if order is not kept, humans will be split in half once more. Therefore, people must revere the gods, which will happen if we let Love guide us. Aristophanes states that all people, men and women, must bring love to its perfect conclusion, recovering our original nature, for the human race to flourish”.
Our Research
At first look into Plato’s account, many believed it to be fantasy more that truth. However, with farther investigation, We have found similarities through our research into the Nag Hammadi Text. We have discovered evidence of Plato’s Theory within the Book “The Revelation/Apocalypse Of Adam”.
Excerpt From “The Revelation/Apocalypse Of Adam”:
“Listen to my words, my son Seth. When god (demigod) created me out of the earth along with your mother Eve, I went about with her in a glory that she saw in the eternal realm from which we came. She taught me knowledge of the “Eternal God”(Infinite Creator). And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god (demigod) who created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know.
God(demigod), the ruler of the realms and the powers, divided us in wrath, and then we became two beings. And the glory in our hearts left us, me and your mother Eve, along with the first knowledge that breathed in us. And glory fled from us and entered another great realm.”
Their is also evidence within The Zohar... we have found that Adam and eve were attached together as one being.
The Zohar :
Interpreted by Rabbi David Cooper
The first Adam/Eve is called by Kabbalists Adam Ha-Rishon (primoridal human consciousness). This in no way resembled the human form as we know it.
Adam and Eve were born simultaneously side-by-side, or back-to-back, attached like Siamese twins. As it says twice in Genesis, "male and female It created them." To separate them, in biblical language it says that God took one of Adam's "sides;" in zoharic language, it says, "God sawed Eve off from him."
(For those who say Adam and Eve were attached back-to-back, this sawing is viewed as the cause of the bumps all humans have along the back of the spine.)
The Midrash Rabbah says, "When the Holy One created Adam [Ha-Rishon], it was androgynous. God created Adam Ha-Rishon double faced, and split him/her so there were two backs, one on this side and one on the other."
The idea that Adam and Eve were co-equal at birth is not a kabbalistic secret; it was openly discussed in ancient midrashic literature. Moreover, it was known two thousand years ago that the idea that Eve came from Adam's rib was a common misunderstanding. The Torah is unambiguous on this point. It repeats a second time, "Male and female It created them," and goes on to say, "and blessed them, and called their name Adam on the day they were created."
Whenever the Torah repeats something, the emphasis always suggests deeper implications. Here, it is impossible to ignore that the creation of male and female was simultaneous.
(Link for Rabbi David Cooper's Interpretation: https://www.rabbidavidcooper.com/cooper-print-index/2010/11/8/2351-adam-and-eve-as-siamese-twins-n.html

Our Summary :
In today’s view, this knowledge might be strange for many people to fathom. But as a “Twin Flame Couple”, We feel the truth. We know the true connection we have, and we know we are the same soul.
With the Infinite Creator Light shining stronger every day, So many now on the planet, wish to find their true Twin Soul. They are feeling the calling for wholeness. The True Sacred Union.
The ancient idea of being connected eternally to someone is gaining more proof, with the evidence found within the ancient Gnostic codices and the Zohar. This means that the concept of the twin soul, was widely excepted throughout Ancient times, from Greece to Egypt, even in Early- Christianity and Judaism. Though it was almost forgotten, we are remembering it within are very soul.
We have more incredible evidence to prove that The TwinSoul/TwinFlame is fact more than fiction. We always knew it, within our heart, without doubt. However, with these new findings, we do have more reference points to go by. The Twin Flames are coming together in this moment of time, for the Union back into “Wholeness”. We know this within our hearts and the Infinite creator energy (which is within all of us), Is transforming our lives in ways to where the Twins are coming together in the physical. You as half, of the twin flame whole, must do your part in the clearing of the negative energy within yourself. While doing this, the Universe then sees this transformation in you, and creates the energy for the physical union to take place. This is not by far the Sacred Union. The Scared Union takes place when the spiritual work of the couple reaches “Perfection”. This is the Lessons that we receive as a Twin Flame. We Must Learn the Lessons given in order to achieve The Sacred Union. These are the lessons of unconditional Love. The Sacred Union is the Ascension of the Twin Flame. We are ascending into our “Wholeness” Our Perfection.
We Love you and we are truly Honored to be the Light.
David and Chellea
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