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Sacred Sexuality and the Twin Flame.

Writer's picture: David and ChelleaDavid and Chellea

In today's society, Sex, is promoted through lust, desire, envy and jealousy, this is done to put humanities focus on these Lower vibrations, rather than Focusing on LOVE... In all ancient Accounts of The sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine, we find Purity, through Mind, Spirit and Body, even sexually. This Ancient Science has been practiced and passed down for many generations, by the ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, Chaldeans, Greeks, Tibetans, Indians, Zen and Chan Buddhists, Early Christians, and many more.. When choosing this path of righteousness, you chose total celibacy.

How Does this Relate to the Twin Flame?

In Ancient Times, Shiva and Shakti, Practiced What is called today "White Tantra." This is the purification and balance of the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine, through the mind, body, and spirit. This is also considered the Sacred Union. In this ancient Teaching, If you Chose to release the sexual Energy, you disconnected yourself from GOD, or the Ultimate Consciousness.

In The Gnostic Teaching they believe that Adam and Eve, are cast out of the higher deminsions because they chose to have the Orgasm. Which caused their disconnection from God.

In Yeshua and Mary’s Time they Practiced what can be referred to as Gnostic Tantra. This is Having Sexual Intercourse without releasing the Orgasm. By Holding on to this sexual energy, we are Harnessing the VRIL or the Universal Energy, Or Creator Energy. We then Channel it Through the Heart, Focusing Only on Love. Even More importantly, We Must Clear ourselves of the Lower Vibrations of Lust, Envy, Desire, Selfishness, jealousy, fear, and greed.

In the Judeo-Christian scriptures, the Two Trees of the Garden of Eden symbolize the two essential branches of all knowledge.

The Tree of Life is the science of Kabbalah (the science of numbers).

The Tree of Knowledge is the science of sexuality, which in Hebrew is Da'ath, known in the east as Tantra, and hidden in the West as "Alchemy."

Alchemy: Al (Arabic, as in Allah) means "God." Also El ( Hebrew ) for "God." Chem or Khem is from kimia (Greek) which means "to fuse or cast a metal." Also from Khem, the ancient name of Egypt. The synthesis is therefore Al-Kimia: "to fuse with God."

Da'ath: Hebrew for "knowledge," the secret aspect of the Kabbalah that relates to sexuality, and hidden throughout the Bible

Tantra: Sanskrit for "continuum" or "unbroken stream." This refers first to the continuum of vital energy that sustains all existence, and second to the class of knowledge and practices that harnesses that vital energy, thereby transforming the practitioner.

The Tree of Knowledge (Alchemy or Tantra) is דעת Daath ( Hebrew for knowledge), which is the same as Gnosis (Greek for knowledge).

The understanding of the Tree of Knowledge ( Hebrew : Daath) is fundamental in order to understand any Ancient Writings or mysticism.

And Jehovah Elohim commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, but of the tree of the דעת knowledge of טוב (towb: goodness, purity) and רע (ra: pollution, impurity), thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." - Genesis 2:16-17

To understand what this means is the difference between awakening as an angel or as a demon.

Although most modern bibles render the Hebrew words Towb and Ra as "good" and "evil," the actual meanings are "goodness" and "impurity." Therefore, the symbolic Tree of Knowledge has two potential outcomes: purity or impurity.

The ancient and long-revered tradition of Tantra is synonymous with the true heart of Western Alchemy. Both seek to transform the initiated student into the ultimate fulfillment of human existence: a purified soul, an angel, a Buddha, a Master, free of suffering and marked by the spontaneous expression of pure and selfless compassion.

While Alchemy is most known for greedy gold-seeking "chemists," there were a handful of real Alchemists, men and women who learned how to conquer death, spontaneously generate precious metals and gems, and cure incurable diseases; most of all, they were known for creating the Philosopher's Stone: a magical item which could work miracles and bestow eternal life. These stories are identical to the tales of yogis and monks of the East who walked upon the winds and performed all manner of miraculous acts.

The secret wisdom of the Tree of Knowledge reveals the science to develop the human temple: the Soul.

We can categorize all forms of Alchemy and Tantra into three types: White, Grey and Black.

The White form seeks to transform the impure into perfect purity, creating an "angel."

The Black form seeks to increase desire, lust, pride and power, creating a "demon."

The Grey form is a mix of the two, but it inevitably becomes Black, because desire—the ego—is so heavy in mankind.

Sex, as well as Religion, Politics, and Education have all been used against humanity, in the attempt to stop us from ascending, or raising our consciousness. The Masters, wrote many Ancient texts, for us to remember who we truly are. It’s up to us, what we wish to do with it. To have Knowledge and Use it, is called Wisdom.

Much Love to All.

David and Chellea


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