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The Most Powerful Force in the Universe ~ The Balancing of Your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

Writer's picture: David and ChelleaDavid and Chellea

Both men and women carry the feminine and masculine power within them. However, most of the time these energies are out of balance, silenced, wounded, misunderstood or disrespected. We are our ancestor’s, so we carry a lot of that old karmic drama from past energies. A lot of this negative imbalance comes from our ancestor’s But, most comes from the conscious effort to stop our spiritual development.

Men and women throughout time have been both the oppressor and the oppressed. But within the last era, women, more so than men.

 We now are moving into a more equal playing ground, to where we can heal these Ancient Energies, and bring back our power to divine wholeness.

Balancing the Divine Feminine:

The Divine Feminine offers unconditional love, tenderness, wisdom, patience, nurturing and compassion. Feminine intuition is one of our most powerful tools for guidance, and we all have it. “She” can lead us in the right direction if we listen. ”She” comes from the heart and is directly connected to nature. She is the Mother who Nurtures her child, and loves that child unconditionally. No matter what that child will do in life, “She” will love them. Now days, the Divine instincts of the “Mother” is nullified by “Self Love” putting themselves above their own children. This is a severe imbalance within the feminine collective. Plus throughout history, the woman has also been damaged by abuse at all levels... This damage can only be healed by remembering to Love again. The Love that a Mother has for her child, is unconditional, This is the same love we must learn to have for others. This is the Love that is missing in most relationships. We Don’t remember how to truly Love someone. It’s not about sex... It’s Not about desire... It’s not about Self... Unconditional Love is the Pure Love of the Infinite Creator, which manifested in our human reality resembles the Love of a Parent for their Child, it is pure.. We must also learn to clear the old trauma, that has followed our feminine aspects for centuries, and Block the unnatural separation from our children, that media and society push on us, on a daily basis.

Our balance of the Feminine is with the natural part of ourselves, which is “Love.” The divine feminine must honor and respect themselves, and see their True Nature which is Love. We Must remember that Love is our Power as a Feminine Force. Our Feminine aspect, holds the secrets to the universe.

Balancing the Divine Masculine:

The Divine Masculine is fearless, courageous, loyal, logical, focused, and a protector. When in balance, the masculine protector can do no harm. He knows his power but does not abuse or misuse it. When imbalanced the Masculine tend to want to fight or flight in tough situations. The masculine imbalance within the loyalty aspect, is in major need of healing. Today’s society and media plays on lust, greed and dishonesty, causing disloyalty among personal relationships. A Balanced Masculine is very loyal to his family, he is a leader and is not afraid to speak the truth even if others disagree. He is courageously fierce and does not let fear stand in his way. He believes in himself and knows he will succeed. He will protect you at all cost, and he will never leave you. He would give his Life for you.

The unhealthy masculine is stagnant, stifled, afraid to fail or an overpowering bully, forcing his opinion on others and They are afraid to make commitments. Our Power of the Masculine is Strong and Fearless, Willing to stand and protect those they Love.

When you heal those parts of “yourself” that are hurt, stifled or misunderstood and you team the Divine Masculine with the Love and wisdom of the Divine Feminine, the combination is pure perfection, And the Most powerful Force in the Universe. This process of clearing the unwanted and unneeded parts of ourselves, is the Alchemical Ascension of the Human. When you do this for yourself, you are healing the outward physical relationship of the twin flame.

When we ourselves are working in harmony, we reflect this outwardly toward our Twin Flame relationships.

 The energy, or Universal Force, created by this balanced union aligns the forces of creation for manifestation. We Are a very powerful Creative Force when we are balanced!!! This is the Universal Force Energy that has been called Vril, Universal energy, or Source Energy. The Love that is emitted By the Twins when both in balance, is the Most powerful force in the universe. What you “think” you “create”. This is the Creative force of the Universe. By balancing, healing, honoring and integrating our Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, we create The Sacred “Eternal” Union. When in this balanced union, you are an energy conductor through your sacred heart, projecting the Pure Love of The Infinite Creator.

In The Love and The Light of the Infinite Creator.

David and Chellea

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