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The Eternal Connection of the Soul... You are Not Just You!

Writer's picture: David and ChelleaDavid and Chellea

Learning your true connection with your Twin Flame.

According to Gnosticism (Early Christianity), we each have a “twin angel”, or “twin flame”, that would stay with “Sophia”, (The Mother of Creation). She would carry all the twin angels with her, as a train of Stars. We would then incarnate at different times, for our soul growth, helping each other along the way, reaching through from the other side of the veil. There would be a moment in time, when the Twins would incarnate together, to advance their soul as a Whole. The advancement of the Twins, is what is called the Ascension, the Purification, or returning to “Wholeness”. This is also the Sacred “eternal” Union.

Now, is the moment for the Twin Flames to Unite in this physical form, to advance our spiritual growth into oneness. We are evolving into a higher consciousness as pairs.

Whether you are with your twin in a relationship or not, you are receiving the Lessons for this elevation. The incarnation and the individual spiritual work, itself is ALL that's needed to advance. As long as you “yourself” are doing your personal work, in clearing the negative ego mind and raising your personal vibration. When doing this you are healing yourself. In this process, you will begin to see that your twin is also healing too, in their own way. We must understand that we came into existence with our Twin, So we must try and heal this relationship, “Spiritually”, This is the inner Masculine and Feminine, reflecting outward into a relationship. We Must Learn to LOVE and FORGIVE our Twin unconditionally. For some this means they may not be able to be with the twin physically at the moment, learning Unconditional Love and forgiveness, starts with the self, but does not end there. We must learn to have empathy, for our Twin. The Empathy is then transformed into compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and mercy. You are not just the self... You are only a half of the whole. Be gentle with your other half... They are you. Many talk about loving “self” and forgiving the “self”, But, it goes way beyond the “self”. This is not about the “self” at all. The “self “wants to separate you from your twin. We must learn to see ourselves as the same soul as our twin, no separation. These are the lessons of the Twin Flame. This opens us to the Healing of the masculine and feminine parts of ourselves. We Must Become balanced within ourselves to become balanced through a relationship. This Relationship does not have to be a intimate one, just acknowledgment of the spiritual connection, and “Both” doing their spiritual work needed for their soul’s personal ascension.

What this also means is that you only have 1 twin in existence. We only have that 1 half of ourselves, so we must nurture this connection, not separate ourselves from it. When we separate ourselves from our other half we will continue in this cycle that we are in at the moment never advancing forward, with our Twin Flame ascension. There are many searching for there twins going from one person to another... these people are not happy and will never find their true twins in this manner. This is why the false twin narrative has come up, as long as you continue to search you will never find them... Stop Searching and do your own spiritual work, The Infinite Energy knows when it is time for the physical union to take place. Both twins must be ready, to receive the lessons. Both must be spiritually Ready.

On the Other Hand, When you are with your Twin, these Lessons are much harder and more intense, resulting in a very rapid spiritual growth. “Unconditional Love” and “Forgiveness” must be first and foremost in the relationship. This is why we must do our spiritual work, to understand this concept. We, David and I Chellea, waited from 1982 (Both age 17), to 2007 to actually be together as a couple. We went our separate ways, having separate families... When we first got back together, We decided to have a sit down and tell each other our deepest darkest secrets. This was our first day of forgiveness, and this is what started us, on this path. We chose to step into the relationship in total Trust.

 After we got back together, we didn’t expect the energy that we were creating, and it almost broke us. We had to learn to control it, especially around others... Our energy effects others in strange ways... depending on our emotions.

We Both have known the reason for our union, To BE the Light, which is Being LOVE. So we have actively worked through our lessons, “Consciously knowing our mission”. And now, here we are, 11 and a half years later Still together, and still working on it. This Journey will never end, it is an Eternal Connection, enjoy the adventure.

We Love you All, and we are truly honored to be able to share our experiences and knowledge with you.

David and Chellea

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