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Famous Twin Flames of Ancient Times

Writer's picture: David and ChelleaDavid and Chellea

Since the Beginning of time, the Masculine and Feminine Energies have been the creators of the Universe. The Energy created between the Twin Flame Union, is called Vril, Source Energy, or Universal Energy. This energy is found throughout the universe.

There has been many Famous Twin Flames in our ancient history.

The Mother and Father God~ In Gnosticism, Sophia and The Unseen God or the Invisible One, are the Creators of All things. The unseen force, which is the Ultimate Consciousness, created Sophia to be a consort or partner. This is the beginning of Twin Flame Union. It is thought that she holds the Twins as stars with her, until they ready to incarnate together, to become a whole soul again.

Zeus and Hera~The King and Queen of Olympus. This Twin Flame was infamous for their jealousy and rage, for each other. Their souls had already been split, separating themselves from God. According to the Greek philosopher Plato: Zeus, feared humans because of their power and their connection to Source and were created in the image of the ultimate creator, so he split their souls up into 2 pieces. separating the masculine and feminine, and creating the Twin Soul.

Adam and Eve~ We have all heard the story of Adam and Eve. Eve was taken “from” Adam’s side. This is implying that both, Masculine and Feminine, were in one form or body. This also follows Plato’s Theory that Human souls were created as both masculine and feminine, where created as one. then at sometime was split into to separate entities.

Shakti and Shiva ~ Shiva and Shakti were twin flame; the mirror image of each other. They complete each other, thus they are the indestructible force that unites together to create the entire cosmos. Tantra is the fabric of the Universe. This Sexual Energy is What Created the Universe. In Ancient Tantra it is Taught how to achieve Sacred Union.

Isis and Osiris ~Isis and Osiris were twin flames which is expressed in their Union, as they are both husband and wife and brother and sister, hence sharing the same soul DNA.

Thoth and Seshat ~ Thoth had a feminine counterpart which was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at.

This is an example where the twins are not together as a couple, It does not matter if you are with your Twin in the physical as a couple, all that matters is your incarnation together. Many wish to have the physical relationship, but it is not necessary. What is important is that you are doing you spiritual work, by clearing the negative ego mind, and connecting yourself to Source energy.

Mary Magdalene and Yeshua ~ In Early Christianity, which is referred to as Gnosticism, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene were of Sacred Union. they practiced Gnostic Tantra, which was having sexual intercourse without having the orgasm. Activating the Kundalini. This is also the Practice of Chasity. Chasity is not Abstinence. It was thought that if a child was conceived in this manner, it was a Sacred or Holy Child. In Ancient Art we see the Halo which shows them both as being Enlightened. We also see that in the One they Both are holding Flame torches Symbolizing their connecting as the Twin Flame or Twin Soul.

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1 Comment

Yhvh Yehovah
Yhvh Yehovah
Aug 03, 2021

Oh no I knew it all the men above were me in a previous lifetime and it is Isis and Hathor who make up the goddesses so you can have more than one twin flame. I have met both this lifetime and now we are all in separation except Isis and Hathor so I am on the shelf ignored, unwanted and at the end of my journey


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